The World at Their Fingertips

Our own Globe at Their Fingertips® curriculum is based on the research of the most renowned didactics experts. Designed by our teaching team, it's created to support these of import early years, to inspire children to exist bold explorers today and joyful, confident learners for life.

Language Works Book Icon

language works

Literacy, language, and dear of books cultivated through listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Science Works Lab Icon

Science Rocks

Spurring a sense of wonder through observations and experiments in which we ask questions and form, record, and describe conclusions.

Art Smart Easel Icon

Art Smart

Fostering an involvement and appreciation of art, music, theater and dance, while encouraging individual talents and artistic expression.

Math Counts Numbers Icon

Math Counts

Early on math concepts experienced through counting, sorting, patterning, one-on-one correspondence, and problem solving.

Well Aware Healthy Icon

Well Aware

Healthy living developed through physical activeness, good diet, and healthful habits incorporated into every day routines.

Towards a Better World Tree Icon

Towards a Better World

Experiences and activities designed to help children learn to respect our earth, its diverse people, and the environment we live in.

Caring Matters Hearts Icon

Caring Matters

Support for of import social skills including compromise, self-regulation, negotiating with peers, and forming positive relationships.

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is rooted in the science of learning. Through play, experimenting with possibilities, problem solving, and project work, we provide children with the very best early educational activity experiences possible.

Babies enjoy classrooms made for exploring with teachers who back up today's large milestones and tomorrow's leaps toward the future.

Our Infant Program

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons infant playing with a ball

  • Exploring growth and movement
  • Learning about basic hygiene
  • Enjoying nutritious foods
  • Gaining skills similar washing hands

Bright Horizons teacher teaching an infant

  • Daily sharing and talking
  • Exploring books and songs
  • Reading with teachers
  • Using sign language

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons teacher and infant playing with maracas

  • Beginning to calm cocky
  • Beginning to express needs
  • Forming secure attachments
  • Developing a sense of trust

Bright Horizons infant and teacher examining items from nature

  • Science: Discovering the natural world
  • Engineering science: Beginning to use tools
  • Engineering: Building structures and designs
  • Math: Exploring numbers and shapes

Bright Horizons infant playing with cars and ramps

  • Emotional Self-regulation: Cocky soothing
  • Executive Office: Focus and play
  • Mindset and Agency: Making choices
  • Inventiveness and Flexible Thinking: New things

Bright Horizons infant playing with a mobile

  • Beginning to understand needs
  • Beginning to care for others
  • Noticing differences and similarities
  • Exploring the natural world

Bright Horizons infant playing with a piano

  • Exploring colors and textures
  • Exploring music and movement
  • Enjoying storytelling and play
  • Daily exposure to the arts

Newly independent toddlers are ready to explore and discover with caring teachers at their side every step of the style.

Toddler at Daycare

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons Toddler student eating lunch

  • Exploring movement and activity
  • Discovering rubber and hygiene
  • Enjoying healthy foods
  • Learning nearly mindfulness

Bright Horizons Toddler Student reading a book

  • Post-obit simple directions
  • Nurturing relationships with caregivers
  • Reading books together
  • Singing songs and hearing poesy

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons Toddler Students playing with gears together

  • Developing self-identity
  • Beginnings of empathy
  • Learning play skills
  • Caring for others

Bright Horizons Toddler student blowing a bubble

  • Science: Observing and exploring
  • Engineering science: Learning nearly tools
  • Engineering: Building and designing
  • Math: Exploring numbers and patterns

Bright Horizons Toddler student and teacher

  • Emotional cocky-regulation: Recognizing feelings
  • Executive function: Waiting for plough
  • Mindset and agency: Making choices
  • Artistic thinking and flexibility: Trying new things

Bright Horizons Toddler student and teacher observing a plant

  • Helping with simple class jobs
  • Recognizing physical differences
  • Treating friends kindly
  • Respecting animals and nature

Bright Horizons Toddler Students drawing on the chalk board

  • Making elementary art projects
  • Playing music and singing
  • Interim out stories or poems
  • Learning dances and motility

Preschoolers are active learners, collaborating with teachers and each other, equally they explore ideas and make discoveries.

Our Preschool Program

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons Preschool Students stretching and yoga

  • Daily physical action
  • Making healthy food choices
  • Basic safety and hygiene
  • Mindfulness and well-existence

Bright Horizons Preschool Student with her teacher

  • Joy and confidence
  • Reading stories and poems
  • Writing simple words
  • Early alphabet learning

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons Preschool Students watering the flowers

  • Using at-home-down techniques
  • Recognizing other's perspective
  • Taking turns with peers
  • Showing empathy and care

Bright Horizons Preschool Students and their teacher

  • Science: Observing and request questions
  • Engineering: Using engineering science to create
  • Technology: Solving problems with design
  • Math: Using math in real life

Bright Horizons Preschool Student playing with blocks

  • Emotional self-regulation: Stop and call back
  • Executive function: Listen and focus
  • Mindset and agency: Choose own work
  • Creative thinking and flexibility: Take healthy risks

Bright Horizons Preschool Students play with sand

  • Taking intendance of classroom
  • Recognizing cultural differences
  • Helping others in need
  • Caring for animals and nature

Bright Horizons Preschool Student painting

  • Expressing ideas through art
  • Hearing varied music
  • Acting assigned function
  • Dancing with creativity

Children in Kindergarten Prep are confident, capable leaders who ask questions, find solutions, and dive into rich projection learning.

Our Kindergarten Prep Program

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Student rock climbing

  • Daily concrete fettle
  • Preparing healthy foods
  • Contained self-care
  • Using mindfulness techniques

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Student practicing her letters

  • Gaining skills and conviction
  • Reading elementary words
  • Writing ideas and plans
  • Early on phonics learning

Social-Emotional Learning

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Students learning together

  • Using positive interactions
  • Understanding other'south perspective
  • Collaborating with peers
  • Interim to aid others

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Student with paper mache

  • Science: Conducting experiments
  • Engineering: Choosing the right tool
  • Technology: Solving circuitous problems
  • Math: Using numbers symbolically

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Student constructing

  • Emotional self-regulation: Choosing deportment
  • Executive part: Completing projects
  • Mindset and bureau: Making daily choices
  • Artistic thinking and flexibility: Changing course

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Student studying a globe

  • Doing jobs independently
  • Feeling pride for school
  • Seeing unlike life experiences
  • Engaging in doing good

Bright Horizons kindergarten Prep Student creating art

  • Gaining fine art skills
  • Recognizing varied music
  • Assigning roles and parts
  • Dancing and moving confidently

Our teachers are all experienced and dedicated professionals who meet rigid certification requirements. By focusing on children's unique interests, these talented educators work aslope children to back up today's big milestones and tomorrow'due south success.

At Brilliant Horizons we believe that environs is the cardinal to creating a joyful place for childhood; and we put a groovy deal of idea and care into creating those joyful places. In keeping with Reggio Emilia and Montessori philosophies, our designs consider not merely what children need in a space, but how they will utilise information technology. We know our centers will form an integral part of a child'southward earliest learning; and with that in mind, we carefully curate high-quality materials for every center to create beautiful environments with rich, open-ended experiences that nurture development and inspire learning.

Our Inspiration

Inspired by the world's educational leaders to create a great place for learning and for childhood