What Famous Scientist Are Christians Born Again
I enjoy writing on a broad range of topics including science, history, social issues and much more.
Organized religion Versus Fact
Can you lot be both a good scientist and believe in God? Or is the belief in the supernatural simply incompatible with serious science? Science and organized religion are ofttimes regarded every bit alien disciplines, yet the 2 need not necessarily be at odds or mutually sectional. Below are ten scientists from history who saw science and Christianity every bit harmonious.
X Historical Christian Scientists
- Johannes Kepler
- Blaise Pascal
- Robert Boyle
- Antony van Leeuwenhoek
- Leonhard Euler
- Michael Faraday
- James Prescott Joule
- Gregor Johann Mendel
- Joseph Lister
- James Clerk Maxwell
Are Science and Christian Conventionalities Mutually Exclusive?
Inquisitive observation and a scientific mindset have enabled humankind to discover the naturalistic laws that govern the universe. These, in turn, have paved the way for the astonishing technological advances and amenities of modern life.
On the other hand, science, notwithstanding its unquestionable merits, can't provide answers to all the existential questions of life, i.e. explain its significant (if there is any) or even the reason why matter exists. Sometimes scientists have ventured across the scope of their discipline. Others have approached science with the presupposition that only affair exists, thereby denying a priori the reality of any spiritual realm.
Yet disdain of religion is far from universal among scientists. Many great scientists of the past (and present) were Bible-assertive Christians. Even the average guy might accept heard of some of the names listed, but many might not be aware of the religious convictions of these corking pioneers. They are listed in purely chronological order.

Unidentified Painter - Public Domain
1. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
Early Years
Johannes Kepler was born in the town of Weil der Stadt near Stuttgart, Germany in 1571. His father was a mercenary soldier and did not have a heed for education nor religious matters. His grandpa, on the other hand, was a dedicated Christian who encouraged his organized religion in God. At an early age, Johannes saw ii astronomical events that would arouse his involvement in the skies: the Great Comet of 1577 and a lunar eclipse.
Imperial Astronomer
Afterwards, a scholarship from the Duke of Württemberg immune him to attend the University of Tübingen where his studies included Latin, Greek, Hebrew, mathematics, astronomy, and theology. Despite his want to get a minister, Kepler was recommended for a position as a teacher of mathematics at the Protestant school in Graz. Further on his interest and study of astronomy brought him in contact with the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe in Prague. After Tycho'southward unexpected death in 1601, Kepler was appointed his successor as the imperial mathematician and astronomer.
Discovering the Laws of Creation
Kepler'south work was motivated by his religious conviction that God had created the world according to an intelligible programme. The laws of nature were within the grasp of the homo mind and God wanted homo to recognize them past creating him after his ain paradigm so that he could share in his own thoughts.
In his opus magnum, the three-volume Prototype of Copernican Astronomy, Kepler detailed his findings and formulated the 3 laws of planetary movement for which he is perhaps almost famous for.
Astronomy and Astrology
Kepler was both an astronomer and astrologer. What appears as a contradiction to a 21-century mindset was rather the norm in his mean solar day, a time when scientific cognition of the heavenly bodies was much more express and there was considerable confusion between the two disciplines.
Glorifying God Through Astronomy
Looking back later in life Kepler noted that he had had the intention of becoming a theologian, just then had learned to see how through his endeavors God was glorified in astronomy, as God himself had made clear in his Discussion stating that "the heavens declare the celebrity of God" (Psalm 19:1).

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2. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Early on Life
Blaise Pascal was born in rural France in the boondocks of Clermont-Ferrand in 1623. Unfortunately, his mother died when he was only three. Blaise suffered from poor wellness throughout his life, simply he was blessed with a brilliant mind. Already as a teenager, he invented a calculating machine (the Pascaline) and impressed senior mathematicians with his papers on conic sections.
First Interests in Religion
When in 1646 his father, a local judge with an interest in scientific discipline, broke his hip, Blaise came in contact with ii doctors who followed Jansenism, a theological movement with Calvinist affinities. This angry Blaise'south interest in religion and he began to write on theological subjects.
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Religious Conversion
Yet for some time he again roughshod into a worldly lifestyle, until the dark of 23 November 1654, when he had an intense religious vision. Blaise recorded the experience and would from now on acquit the note with him in his glaze. The slice, which became known as the Memorial, begins: "Burn. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and the scholars..." and ended past quoting a Psalm "I volition non forget thy give-and-take. Amen". Pascal believed in the historicity of the Bible, including Genesis and the Fall and was convinced, every bit the apostle Paul, that only the second Adam, Jesus Christ, could redeem humanity from its fallen state.
Scientifically Pascal made crucial advancements in hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and mathematics. In honor of his contributions, his name has been given to the SI unit of force per unit area, to a programming language, Pascal'due south triangle and Pascal's law (an important principle of hydrostatics).
His theological writings include the Pensées, a coherent exam, and defence of the Christian organized religion. Pascal went with his Lord on 19 August 1662 aged 39.

Science History Institute - Public Domain
3. Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
Early on Years and Education
Robert Boyle was born in Ireland in 1627, the fourteenth child of the Earl of Cork. His wealthy upbringing immune for the best educational activity available at the time: Eton college, individual tutors and farther education on mainland Europe, where he as well came to encounter the anile Galileo.
Discovering Creation
The young Boyle saw the globe effectually him as God's marvelous creation, which man was chosen to systematically study and dominate. This on the ground of the command given in Genesis 1:28, equally he would afterwards detail in his theological treatise The Christian Virtuoso.
Approaching Science Rationally
Unlike the alchemists of his time who often practiced their fine art with questionable methods and for dubious reasons, Boyle approached chemistry rationally with the scientific method developed by Francis Bacon. In The Skeptical Chymist, Boyle overturned Aristotle's concept of the four elements (world, h2o, air, and fire) with the modernistic thought of elements as substances that cannot be further divided by chemical methods. His atomic theory was at first ridiculed by the alchemists, but then gradually gained ground and marked the beginning of the modern era of chemical science.
Boyle'due south Police force
His perhaps nearly notable contribution to science is known every bit Boyle's Law: at a constant temperature, the volume of a given quantity of gas varies inversely with the pressure.
Scientist and Christian
Boyle was a devout Christian throughout his life. In addition to his scientific papers, he published numerous theological writings and favored the advance of the Christian mission.

Jan Verkolje - Public domain
4. Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
A Great Amateur Microscopist
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born in Holland in 1632 and is commonly considered the male parent of microbiology. A draper by profession he began his biological studies out of curiosity with his homemade microscopes. Leeuwenhoek footing his ain lenses and during his lifetime built over 400 (mostly unmarried-lensed) microscopes.
Seeing What No Eye Had Seen
Though he was not the first to build a microscope, he advanced it more than anyone else and discovered things no human eye had ever seen: protozoans, bacteria, parasites, red and white blood cells, and even sperm.
Sharing His Findings
Though being a lay scientist, Leeuwenhoek began sharing his findings with the Imperial Guild of London of which he later became a fellow and through which his discoveries were fabricated available to the scientific world.
Life From Life
Leeuwenhoek advanced proofs against spontaneous generation, the idea that living things emerge from inanimate matter, thereby laying the groundwork for Pasteur. In the marvels of creation, he saw an intelligent designer and with his studies humbly sought God'southward thoughts later on him. Leeuwenhoek was from the Dutch Reformed tradition and regarded the study of nature equally to the glory of God and the do good of man.

Jakob Emanuel Handmann - Public domain
5. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Early on Life and Education
Leonhard Euler was built-in in 1707 in Basel, Switzerland and became i of the greatest and well-nigh prolific mathematicians of all time. His male parent had studied both mathematics and theology and was a pastor of the Evangelical-Reformed Church building. At first, it was he who introduced young Leonhard to mathematics. Later on, Euler studied at the Academy of Basel where mathematics was taught past a sure Johann Bernoulli, a family unit friend, and later renowned mathematician, who noticed Leonard's exceptional talent and helped launch his career.
Lecturing in Petrograd
From 1727 to 1741 Euler taught at the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg where he speedily became fluent in Russian and from 1733 on likewise headed the mathematics department. Convinced of the unity of the mathematical sciences his research covered a wide range of fields: algebra, arithmetics, geometry, conic sections, astronomy, rational mechanics and fifty-fifty music theory.
A Christian Household
In 1734 Euler married Katharina Gsell, the daughter of a Swiss courtroom painter. The marriage produced xiii children of whom, unfortunately, only three outlived their parents. Euler was a pious Christian and family life was characterized by the domestic devotions he would regularly hold.
Enlightened by God
Despite living in the historic period of Enlightenment that largely refused God, Euler was convinced of the Bible's divine inspiration. 1 of his major apologetic works is the Defence force of the Revelation Confronting the Objections of Freethinkers.
Science for Lay People
After on in life, he was asked to tutor the Princess of Prussia, Friederike Charlotte Leopoldine Louise, which he did through a series of letters written in lucid layman'south terms and in which he also shared his Christian religion. These letters constituted a sort of scientific textbook and were after published and translated into all the major European languages, to make them bachelor to a wider audience.
Working Tirelessly
Though being well-nigh blind in his subsequently years Euler continued to work and publish unabated with the help of one of his sons equally secretary. In retention of his extraordinary accomplishments, Euler is featured on the x-franc Swiss banknote.

Thomas Phillips, Public domain
6. Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
A Self-Learner
Michael Faraday was born in 1791 in Sussex and grew upward in London. He came from a poor family and received most no formal didactics. Aged 14 he began an apprenticeship equally a bookbinder, which gave him access to books and somehow allowed to educate himself in his spare time. Michael'southward principal interest and fascination were with science, especially electricity and chemistry.
Eagerness to Larn Rewarded
He began attending science lectures of which he took detailed notes he would after bind to a booklet. This allowed him to obtain a position as a laboratory assistant. Those around him shortly noticed that Faraday'south scientific abilities were besides boggling to simply let him prepare equipment. This resulted in the renowned chemist Sir Humphry Davy taking him on a scientific tour through Europe that lasted two years. The trip allowed Faraday to meet many important scientists, including Alessandro Volta and André-Marie Ampère.
Research and Scientific Achievements
On his return to England Faraday was now hired past the Royal Institution as a researcher. His primary field at first was chemistry where he discovered benzene (crucial to manufacture many organic compounds), managed to liquefy chlorine and made improvements of steel alloys and glass. Yet his most notable scientific contributions were probably in the field of electricity. He advanced the thought that just as an current produces a magnetic field, by reverse magnetism could also produce electricity. Somewhen, his research would provide the breakthrough for electric power generation and transmission.
Scientist and Lay Preacher
Faraday came from a devout Christian family unit and later became a preaching elder, as his church did not have a paid clergyman. On diverse occasions the humility that the genuine gospel requires stood out in his grapheme: aside from giving to charities and visiting the poor, Faraday turned downwards a lucrative offer to go the president of the Royal Society, equally he feared this would leave him less fourth dimension for research.
In another incident, he did not grow biting when his church withdrew communion from him after Faraday had skipped Sunday worship considering he had been invited to lunch by Queen Victoria. When after almost half a century he retired from the Majestic Establishment, he thanked his quondam staff, but foremost God who had given him the gift to run into the eternal laws of nature, that had been such a wonder to him.

Henry Roscoe, Public domain
7. James Prescott Joule (1818-1889)
Early on Years and Pedagogy
James Prescott Joule was born in 1818 nigh Manchester, England to a wealthy brewery owner. He was at first educated at habitation and afterward together with his older brother by private tutors, amid which too the famous chemist John Dalton who taught them the sciences.
Born to Experiment
When their male parent became incapacitated the brothers had to run the brewery, but James would always employ his spare fourth dimension to do scientific experiments in the lab he had purposefully set up. Over fourth dimension he would work out important papers concerning the human relationship of oestrus, electricity, and mechanical piece of work. Joule submitted his papers to the Scientific associations merely was largely ignored, as he was considered an amateur.
Admitted to the Royal Society
And so in 1847 a young professor of physics at the University of Glasgow finally would consider the importance of his work: William Thomson (subsequently known every bit Lord Kelvin) recognized the crucial contribution that Joule'south findings made in unifying the fragmented diverse fields of physics. Another scientist who would sponsor Joule's work was Michael Faraday who allowed him to present his paper On the Mechanical Equivalent of Oestrus to the Imperial Society. Soon afterward Joule would receive the gild's prestigious membership.
Founder of Thermodynamics
Joule's experiments proved the principle of energy conservation, i.e. the fact that energy cannot be lost, simply only be transformed from one form to another. He is therefore ofttimes recognized as the founder of thermodynamics, a co-operative of physics that began to sally around this time.
Collaboration With Thomson
For many years Joule worked and experimented with William Thomson discovering would become known equally the Joule-Thompson effect: the fact that the temperature of expanding gas is cooling, a principle on which refrigeration is based.
Refuting Darwinism
Joule was a humble and sincere Christian that firmly acknowledged the God of the Bible as Creator. When in 1864 a big group of scientists signed a manifesto (The Declaration of Students of the Natural and Physical Sciences) in response to the rising concept of Darwinism, Joule was among the most prominent members of the Royal Lodge to sign.

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viii. Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884)
Early Years
Johann Mendel was born in 1822 to a peasant family in the German-speaking Habsburg Empire. Already as a kid, he helped out in the family orchard by grafting. This awoke his curiosity and were the beginnings of his experimental botany work. Early his schoolmaster recognized his extraordinary talent for learning and encouraged his begetter to let him pursue higher education. Mendel was an exceptional student but his family was and then poor that he often had to support himself.
Becoming an Augustinian Friar
This experience may accept influenced his conclusion to become a friar, as the monastic life enabled him to obtain a higher education without the perpetual anxiety near a means of livelihood. When he joined the Augustinian friars he was given the name Gregor.
Experiments With Pea Plants
Betwixt 1851 and 1853 he went to the University of Vienna to report botany, zoology, chemistry, and physics earlier returning to the abbey to teach. His most productive research took place betwixt 1856 and 1863 when he conducted experiments on some 29,000 pea plants and described the laws of inheritance that bear his proper noun. He coined the terms 'recessive' and 'dominant' for the appearance of certain traits and began to unveil the concept of 'hidden factors', i.e. genes.
Posthumously the Father of Genetics
In 1868 Mendel became an abbot and his scientific work largely ceased as he was occupied with ministerial and administrative piece of work. Though he later on becomes famous as the father of modern genetics, his work did not receive recognition during his lifetime. It was not until the turn of the xxthursday century that his work was rediscovered and his experiments independently verified.
A Christian Character
Mendel grew up in a securely religious family unit. A burned tile institute in the Mendel living room had the symbol of the Holy Trinity and included the words: "Thy will be done". Mendel was rooted in the Christian faith and passionately tried to convey his conviction to others, an attitude also shown in the sermon outlines however preserved. His contemporaries described him as generous, kind and mild-mannered and someone who knew how to dispense aid without letting the petitioner feel the charity.

Weltrundschau zu Reclams Universum 1902, Public domain
9. Joseph Lister (1827-1912)
Early Life and Educational activity
Joseph Lister was built-in in 1827 in West Ham, England to a wealthy vino merchant. His father was as well an important amateur scientist who would become a member of the prestigious Royal Society due to his merits in constructing a microscope costless from achromatic aberration. Lister junior obtained Bachelor's degrees in Medicine and Surgery from the Academy of London with outstanding marks and was afterward besides admitted to the Imperial College of Surgeons. The Lister's were Quakers, though Joseph upon his marriage (to the daughter of the famous surgeon James Syme) joined the Episcopal church building.
Improving Surgery
At that time the introduction of the apply of anesthesia had allowed surgeons to operate more advisedly and meliorate techniques. Lister furthermore subsequently a long working-24-hour interval conducted enquiry at the hospital in Edinburgh using the newest microscopes he was familiar with from his father.
High-Risk Surgery
Dorsum then the well-nigh half of the patients that had surgery died after because of infections (sepsis). Lister observed that elementary fractures were doing well, while chemical compound fractures had a high decease charge per unit.
Introducing Antisepsis Procedures
He reasoned that somehow the infections had to be due to the contact with the air. Furthermore, a friend gave him a inquiry paper by Louis Pasteur according to which infections did not arise spontaneously inside the wound but had to be due to germs brought in from exterior. Lister, therefore, began washing his hands, wearing clean clothes and using carbolic acid as a disinfectant when operating.
Non earlier long results indicated the procedures did work and the results were published in the medical journal The Lancet in 1867. Though initially, some doctors were reluctant, gradually Lister'southward (continuously improving) procedures gained universal acceptance.
Countless Lives Saved
Lister, the father of modern surgery, was a committed Christian who affirmed the cardinal doctrines of Christianity and gave testimony with his grapheme. Far from glorifying himself for his breakthroughs, he thanked Pasteur whose research had been crucial in the fight against infections and the establishment of antisepsis procedures. Lister believed his life was guided by God and ultimately credited Him if through the ordinary means of surgery innumerable lives could be saved.

George J. Stodart - Public domain
10. James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
Early on Life and Education
James Clerk was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1831 to a lawyer. Unfortunately, his mother died when he was still aged only 8. Until then she had been his principal teacher. By and so his exceptional intellectual faculties had already become apparent: James could recite the entire Psalm 119 (176 verses) and also lengthy passages of Milton. After the passing of his beloved female parent, his begetter provided a tutor and James would later go on to study at the Academy of Edinburgh and further on enroll at Cambridge graduating in mathematics.
Research and Lecturing
Early on Maxwell produced original research papers, among others virtually the structure of Saturn's rings. For some time he then lectured at Cambridge on optics before returning to Scotland because of his crumbling father.
In 1858 Maxwell married the daughter of the principal of Marischal College in Aberdeen which would after merge with another college to institute the University of Aberdeen, where Maxwell would serve equally Professor of Physics.
And so in 1860, he went to London as Professor of Physics and Astronomy at King's Higher, where he also supervised the standardization of electrical units for the British Association for the Advocacy of Science. It probably were the near productive years of his career and in 1861 he was elected to the prestigious Royal Society.
In 1865 he returned to his family estate in Scotland and did further research and writing on electricity and magnetism.
Unifying Physics
Effectually the time of Maxwell'south birth, the famous physicist Michael Faraday had invented the generator and vice versa plant out that an electric electric current produced a magnetic field, merely it would be Maxwell to work out the mathematical framework for the so-called field theory.
The four equations developed past Maxwell count amidst the truly fundamental contributions to physics, along with Newton's laws and Einstein's theory of relativity.
The Vast Electromagnetic Spectrum
When Maxwell calculated the speed of electromagnetic waves he constitute that information technology was the same as that of the speed of low-cal.
He rightly concluded that light is just an electromagnetic moving ridge and postulated that electromagnetic waves with different wavelengths would exist. Not long after his death, this would be confirmed first by radio waves (whose wavelength is longer than visible calorie-free) and later on on by Ten-rays (which have very short wavelengths).
Modern telecommunication would, of course, be incommunicable without the groundbreaking work carried out by Maxwell.
A Committed Christian
In the second office of 19th-century evolutionary thinking was becoming popular only Maxwell idea it was incommunicable to reconcile it with the scientific evidence that instead pointed to design in nature and ultimately to the Creator.
Maxwell had first been introduced to the Christian faith by his mother and had then been a committed evangelical Christian throughout his life, in afterwards years even serving as an elder of the Church building of Scotland.
He had detailed knowledge of the Scriptures and was of absolute moral integrity. He was as well known to visit the sick and pray with them and nursed his invalid married woman in after years. In 1879, Maxwell succumbed to cancer at the early age of 48.
Science and Religion: At present It's Your Turn...
- Lamont Ann (1997); 21 corking scientists who believed the Bible; Petersburg, Kentucky; Answers in Genesis
- Morris H.Thousand. (1982); Men of Science, Men of God; El Cajon, California; Main
- Tiner J.H. (1977); Johannes Kepler-Giant of Religion and Science; Milford, Michigan; Mott Media
- Wikipedia
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized communication from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Marco Pompili
Eric Dierker from Leap Valley, CA. U.S.A. on April fourteen, 2020:
Very absurd. Really interesting stuff, very well written, I learned a whole lot. Thanks.
Source: https://owlcation.com/humanities/10-Famous-Scientists-that-Believed-in-the-God-of-the-Bible
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